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ER2W Updates
Apr 18
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ER2W Unveiling at 2012 Quad A

Mace Aviation, LLC unveiled its new Extended Range Weapons Wing (ER2W) and MD500 Series Nose Mount on MD Helicopter’s new MD540F Armed Aerial Scout helicopter. The ER2W is a light-weight all composite weapons platform that features four external hard points and an integral 35 gallon self sealing fuel tank. The ER2W can be installed in the MD500 series and Bell 407 aircraft and is designed to be removed from the aircraft in approximately 10 minutes. The MD500 Series Nose Mount installs on the forward belly of the aircraft and can accommodate a variety of sensors weighing up to 110 lbs.

MX-25D Targeting Pod
Apr 11
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GAU-19 Pod
May 15
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NC Machining
Feb 1
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Sep 22
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